Media Partners

10times is the world's largest aggregator of business events. Whether it's a trade show or a conference, we have a comprehensive listing for every type of event. Feel free to browse our events, explore, and unleash your excitement 10X.
We have a presence in over 10,000 cities and 140 countries, with more than 50,000+ registered event organizers. Our platform offers over 200,000 event listings across 100+ industries and receives 3.5 million+ visitor page views each month. Consider us as your go-to platform to achieve global reach for all your events.

Vydya Health: Find Providers, Products at Find providers from conventional, complementary and alternative care for professional help. Shop for wellness products at  Join fellow providers, showcase your practice on is a leading international directory for worldwide conferences and exhibitions. is equipped with a unique and comprehensive search that helps you find easily any event in any category or location.  Each event includes detailed information, like, description, dates, location, map, prices, link to the official event's  website and more...
If you search for a conference or exhibition in areas such as Industry and manufacturing, Health and medicine, Technology and IT, Business and finance, sciences, education, services (banking, insurance, tourism, Hospitality and more), government, environment, life style and arts, you'll find it in


VenueDir is a leading directory for major venues around the world with a search by location, size of venue or type of event (conference, seminar, exhibition, wedding and others). In VenueDir you can find the services provided by the venue, including, food and beverages, accomodation, onsite parking, on-site support, audio and video and more. 

Venuedir provides an option to submit a request for proposal (RFP) to all suitable venues.



Events Get has been doing silent revolutions befitting your cause. As a matter of fact, you get to see a whole new perspective of your event/s, news, and articles when you upload them in advance on our site. List your all events, news, and guest posts with us on the seminar, workshop, conference, education, company, announcement, circular, business, technology, gadgets, telecom, and more of your college, university, institute, or company on a worldwide basis.